
Day's End_dip.jpg

Water spills from the hose, 
bending the last light of the day as it caresses each new leaf and bud.
Another day is drawing to a close.
The woods come alive with the tiny sparks of fireflies   
and the frogs screech their nightly lullabye.
Dirt and mud under my fingernails
are a permanent tattoo of these long, summer days.
My patience grows like the tender new plants rooted in the earth.
I unfold in the natural of here.


Cell Memory

Smoke from an extinguished fire wafts upward marking the separation between incident and aftermath. Cell memory is a powerful force, and the unresolved lingers deep. But I find my empty spaces filling again, like rainfall seeping into the parched earth. My consciousness is pierced by the medley of birdsong,It's time to begin again.DS

Smoke from an extinguished fire wafts upward
marking the separation between incident and aftermath.
Cell memory is a powerful force,
and the unresolved lingers deep.
But I find my empty spaces filling again,
like rainfall seeping into the parched earth.
My consciousness is pierced by the medley of birdsong,

It's time to begin again.



Dawn sent me a prompt the other week, about vulnerability. And ruefully I felt I was feeling too vulnerable to write about it. It’s a common thing, I know, this business of removing small lesions as we age. A tactile war against the microagressions of invisible intruders. But it didn’t feel so minor, as I could barely contemplate the carnage without fainting. We all have this vision of ourselves, don’t we? An idea of who we are, and once in a while it shreds, before our very eyes, this fiction of our invulnerability. We look and see everything that is to come and it takes our breath away.

A Small Moment Noticed

A Small Moment Noticed

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Light and shadows dance across the back of
my tightly closed eyelids
warmed by the sun;
mesmerized by their dancing patterns,
my body feels alive and I am reverent
in this small moment noticed
as the world roars by.



when exactly does a beginning start? is it an internal shift? or is it forced upon us abruptly….without an invitation but there anyway, upping the ante to begin something new?

i don’t make friends with beginnings easily. i tend to walk in the wounds of my past much too often to embrace a begininning without a certain amount of distrust. i want beginnings to prove themselves. it’s an awkward relationship. i’ve built new beginnings from the ashes of past situations many times. i’m somewhat good at that. but for me, there is no shiny coin of possibilities at the bottom of the rubble. just the tarnished and sacred talismans from history gone by. i hold them tenderly… my ever present struggle of deciding which to take and which to leave behind.


The calendar year has turned a page
but i am still 
slowly turning in an unfamiliar circle,
while maneuvering through these changes which I now possess 
and of which
possess me.
They say that hindsight is 2020,
but I am still blind in that sacred space between heart and head,
feeling my way through 
this new landscape of loss.



Standing from afar,  I now realize  that all of those hopelessly tangled moments have formed patterns.Recognizing them now, when just weeks ago they were barriers.I now know what I see, and I see what I know. Such is this gift of understan…

Standing from afar, 
I now realize 
that all of those hopelessly tangled moments have formed patterns.

Recognizing them now,
when just weeks ago
they were barriers.

I now know what I see,
and I see what I know.
Such is this gift of understanding.

Beyond the fence,
the seeds that were sown have all grown into miracles.


Separate Houses

i am a house with walls that pulse with the energy of a thousand moments. standing witness to the uncertainties that fill the empty silence. mourning the separation, and searching for the resolution between two states, of dream and reality, the bend…

i am a house
with walls that pulse with the energy of a thousand moments.
standing witness to the uncertainties
that fill the empty silence.
mourning the separation,
and searching for the resolution between two states,
of dream and reality,
the bend of physicality.
startled by the headlines,
tossing in my sleep,
my body taut with the intensity of each word.
there’s no way to be neutral about these days,
you choose your house, and i’ll choose mine.
but we’re all looking through curved lines at the distorted intersections
between what we see,
and what we long to see.


The Infinite Churn

we become lost and found over and over again in the time bending moments of any given day. playing an endless game of hide and seek. with splintered attention. should we even bother to try and hold together the hundreds of tiny shards of each day as…

we become lost and found over and over again
in the time bending moments of any given day.
playing an endless game of hide and seek.
with splintered attention.
should we even bother to try and hold together the hundreds of tiny shards
of each day as it cracks open?
or learn how to be still as
the in betweens and underneaths
wrap around us.
the infinite churn.